Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Neil Friend* 8=====>----(((Senior Show)))

It's springtime here at SUNY PURCHASE!! and everything is finally in bloom. The quad is covered in blankets and butts, and the tree are full of leaves and birds and shit. It's pretty nice. As a freshman here, I'm really just holding on for the last few weeks. I've got no big obligations besides the occasional essay or w/e and I'm enjoying all of my wonderful free time. However, for seniors, I would assume this is a a time of CRUSHING SIGNIFIGANCE. Senior projects are being presented and showcased LEFT and RIGHT, and the Purchase upperclassman are definitely feeling the CRUNCH of their academic obligations. Recently, Nick and I attended one such Senior recital; that of Neil Fridd's. It was a pretty ornate and luxuruixurious event, and a lot of the Purchase creepers turned out to support Neil, Jesse, and Dan. Neil is technically a sculpture major, but since Purchase is for artsy-fartsy weirdos, his senior recital was basically a Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt Show. TPDR, if you don't know, is a wonky group of guys, truly. Composed mostly on tiny keyboards and with 8-bit drum machines, the music is played live over an iPod, but it's always a big dance party so noone complains. Neil's lyrics are pretty confessional at times, and he has an amusing self-deprecating sense of humor that comes through in a lot of his songs. I've seen TPDR a number of times so I was used to seeing the goofy costumes, semi-abrasive screaming, and hysteric dancing, but some of the parents that showed up for Neil's performance were taking all of this in for the first time. Neil went to extra length's for this show however, and had been working in the Library of the Stood for the week prior to his show preparing to the utmost. Upon entering the redorated library I felt like it was my first week at Purchase back in September; the whole place was totally unrecognizable and awesome, and he even put stuff on the ceiling. Before the show officially started, the "Guitarmy," a collection of guitar players Neil culled throughout the day, played some classic acoustic sing-a-long songs, but not the kind theat make you wretch. The bioluminescent Adam McHeffey, led the assembled showgoers in a moving rendition of that one Third Eyed Blind song, and "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer was played and that was gnarly. Among the guitar army as well was the charming and well-groomed Greg Baldwin, as well as the fishy and funny Alicia Santiago.

Well, when the show started we all filed into the makeshift venue and enjoyed a couple of TPDR's greatest hitss. Then Neil called in the Guitarmy and all assembled there, we played the four chords Neil told us at the appropriate time and it was a smashing success. And then everyone got light up lazerswords. And then we walked by 15 television sets to the outside. And then we danced around with pizza and sparklers. And then we set off fireworks. And then Neil stood on top of a van and thanked us all very much. And then I said "Hey, great job, man." and Neil said "Thank you very much."

[MP3] - Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt - Fast Forward Regrets
[MP3] - Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt - Snowday!

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